Pre-modular consultations

Regulations for the final modular control
The final module control is carried out upon completion of the study of all topics of the module in the last lesson of the module.

Students who have completed all types of work provided for in the curriculum and scored at least the minimum number of points during the study of the module are admitted to the final control.

The form of final control is standardized and includes control of theoretical and practical training. Specific forms of final modular control are defined in the work program.

The maximum number of points of the final modular control is 80.

The final module control is considered credited if the student scored at least 50 points.

Evaluation of discipline.

The grade in the discipline is given only to students who have passed the module.

Incentive points by the decision of the Academic Council may be added to the number of points in the discipline for students who have scientific publications or won prizes for participation in the Olympiad in the discipline among Ukrainian universities and more.

The objectivity of the assessment of students' learning activities should be checked by statistical methods (correlation coefficient between current performance based on the results of the final module control.

Conversion of the number of points from the discipline into grades on ECTS scales and four-point (traditional).

Scores from the discipline are independently converted into both the ECTS scale and the four-point scale. ECTS scale scores are not converted to a four-point scale and vice versa

Students enrolled in one specialty, taking into account the number of points scored in the discipline, are ranked on the ECTS scale as follows:
Ranking with grades "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" is conducted for students of this course who study in one specialty and successfully completed the study of the discipline. Students who received grades FX, F ("2") are not included in the list of students who are ranked even after the recomposition of the module. Such students automatically receive a score of E. after rearrangement.

The grade in the discipline FX, F ("2") is given to students who have not enrolled in at least one module of the discipline after completing its study.

A grade of FX ("2") is given to students who have scored the minimum number of points for the current academic activity, but who have not passed the final module control. This category of students has the right to re-take the final module control according to the approved schedule during the winter or summer vacation (up to 1 current year) within two weeks after the end of the school year. Reassembly of the final control is allowed no more than twice.

Grade F is given to students who have attended all classroom withdrawals from the module, but did not score the minimum number of points for the current educational activity and are not admitted to the final module control. This category of students has the right to re-study the module.

Discipline scores for students who have successfully completed the program, the discipline is converted to a traditional four-point scale with the absolute criteria listed below in the table:
The ECTS score is not converted to the traditional four-point scale because the ECTS scale and the four-point scale are independent.
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